Résultats de votre recherche

    14 Résultats
  • Zoren Sun - Regional General Manager, Philippines - a reçu un diplôme de Ateneo Graduate School of Business.
    J&T Express - Logistique - Indonésie
  • Raziel Bravo - Senior Vice President, Strategic Management Office, Americas - a reçu un Master of Business Administration de Ateneo Graduate School of Business.
    Geodis - Logistique - France
  • Sherisa Nuesa - Independent Director - has a Master of Business Administration from Ateneo Graduate School of Business and Undergraduate Degree from Far Eastern University.
    Ayala Land - Immobilier - Philippines
  • Wiljean Larano - General Manager, Philippines - has a Master of Business Administration from Ateneo Graduate School of Business and Bachelor of Science from Mapúa University.
  • Cynthia Castro - Senior Director, Human Resources - a reçu un Master of Business Administration de Ateneo Graduate School of Business.
    Allegro MicroSystems - Semi—conducteurs - Etats—Unis
  • Josefina Tan - Non-Executive Director - has a Master of Business Administration from Ateneo Graduate School of Business and Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts from Maryknoll College.
    BDO Unibank - Banque - Philippines
  • Zoren Sun - General Manager - a reçu un diplôme de Ateneo Graduate School of Business.
    J&T Express Philippines - Logistique - Philippines
  • Maria Tasic - Chief Information Officer - has a Master of Business Administration from Ateneo Graduate School of Business and Bachelor of Science from Bicol University.
    KPMG Philippines - Audit & Comptabilité - Philippines
  • Lyndon Cuadra - Chief Commercial Officer - has a Master of Corporate Entrepreneurship from Ateneo Graduate School of Business and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Accounting from University of the Philippines.
    Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines - Boissons - Philippines
  • Sherisa Nuesa - Independent Director - has a Master of Business Administration from Ateneo Graduate School of Business and Undergraduate Degree from Far Eastern University.
    Integrated Microelectronics - Composants électriques et électroniques - Philippines
  • Sherisa Nuesa - Lead Independent Director - has a Master of Business Administration from Ateneo Graduate School of Business and Undergraduate Degree from Far Eastern University.
  • Mary Grace de Ocampo - Head of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Division of Innovation and Transformation Segment - has a Master of Business Administration from Ateneo Graduate School of Business and Bachelor of Arts in Communication from The Philippine Women's University.
    China Banking Corporation - Banque - Philippines
  • Sherisa Nuesa - Non-Executive Director - has a Master of Business Administration from Ateneo Graduate School of Business and Undergraduate Degree from Far Eastern University.
    Metro Retail Stores Group - Distribution - Philippines
  • Rome Bachoco - Treasurer, Chief Finance Officer, Chief Compliance Officer and Corporate Governance Officer - has a Master of Business Administration in Business and Finance from Ateneo Graduate School of Business and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Accounting from University of the Philippines Visayas.
    Philex Mining Corporation - Mines - Philippines

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